Blue Stingray Celebrates an Amazing 2018…Plus Go-Karts
Every year we take some time to acknowledge our team’s considerable accomplishments and cheer for what’s next. After all, what good is success if there’s no one to share it with?
This year was no different. After much brainstorming, we decided to host our end-of-year, staff-appreciation party at The Edge, a Belleville, Illinois-based game center featuring some cool arcades, go-karts, and even the world’s largest laser tag arena!
The party started bright and early — well, okay, it was 11:30 a.m. — with a meal. The team used this time to socialize, bond, argue the finer points of API standardization, and generally build stronger working relationships. Little did they know they’d soon become merciless opponents on the laser tag field and the go-kart track!
We take things seriously at Blue Stingray — especially when it comes to games.
The party really started rolling around noon, with the first round of go-karting. We had the arena all for ourselves, so yeah…things got heated fast.
As we were getting into our seats, the staff of The Edge took some time to tell us about the rules, “…and no bumping into or pushing other players…,” blah, blah, blah. So, once we got schooled on how not to play, the team was ready to play — on our own terms, of course.
The round started slow, but as the karts reached the Go line, the real fun began. The competition was fierce, with erstwhile colleagues mercilessly ramming each other in pursuit of that golden trophy. The prize, of course, landed in CEO Brian Rehg’s hands. He was the most brutal player on the track. By far. Rehg takes this competition thing very seriously.

Then it was time for a beer break and some more food and socializing. More team members joined, significant others and precious little ones in tow, and the party got into full swing. We gathered around classic arcade games to teach the next generation how great things used to be. Let’s just say that their excitement had its limits.
The clock ticked toward 1:00 p.m., which meant it was time for some laser tag. Who knew there was so much combat skill among our staff?
We were separated into teams: blue, red, green, and yellow. We strapped on our laser vests and launched into the arena, everyone running for cover while risking attacks on confused players who couldn’t pick a direction fast enough.
This was survival of the fittest!
Soon we were all darting around the field, quite serious about victory, and rejoicing with every bleep of a struck target. But some of us took things to another level. Brian Rehg, again, to be exact.
Brian gathered his team at a strategic point at the maze-like field. He posted team members to guard each side of a tall tower — snipers, in other words. No one at the bottom of the maze had time to look up to where Brian’s team was mercilessly tagging everyone, as we all focused on our immediate surrounding. It was a virtual bloodbath — but only for a while.
Soon, we uncovered Brian’s ploy and pinned his poor guards behind their protective tower columns. They were finished.

Then it was time for some more beer, socializing, and arcades. Some of us got stuck in the VR room, while others decided it was time for a break to catch up with friends and family members. Everyone ended up having an awesome time, and this year will definitely be remembered.
Check out some more photos below. We’ll be reporting again next year. ‘Till then!