In the News: Don’t Hire Rockstar Developers. Create Them.
“I have over 200 tech openings.”
I recently heard that statement from a close friend who owns a large tech recruiting company. It wasn’t surprising to hear — finding good tech people isn’t easy, and skilled labor isn’t cheap.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job market for software developers is growing at an incredible rate. Employment opportunities are projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029. The average growth rate for all other occupations is around 5 percent. In other words, great developers are in high demand — and that’s unlikely to change in the near future.
Blue Stingray is known for our strong team of developers. We’ve built that team gradually, often hiring applicants who had little background in software development. In many cases, we’ve invested heavily to develop our employees’ skills, and we made those investments because we were confident in the individuals we’d hired.
Here’s the secret: We don’t hire rockstars. We hire based on personal characteristics that make for great employees — then provide the resources our team needs to grow their skills. By keeping the process structured…