Meet Joe, Our New Director of Business Solutions

Meet Joe, Our New Director of Business Solutions

Recently Joe Skertich joined Blue Stingray as Director of Business Solutions. We sat down with Joe for a cup of tea and a chat… 

You’ve lived in quite a few places. Where are you from, originally?

Joe: I’m originally from the Chicago suburbs. I lived in Chicago through grad school and in Los Angeles for five years after that. Then, I spent a three month stint in Louisville, a year in Spokane, and the last three years teaching technology at a small liberal arts college in rural Missouri.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Joe: I love to travel and explore the national parks and hiking trails in each new place I visit. So far, I’ve been to 35 states and 18 countries. I enjoy playing the piano and have composed music for a variety of freelance projects. Lastly, I enjoy swimming early morning laps with the older adults at the community center. My wife says it’s one of my many “old man” hobbies.

What is your favorite movie?

Joe: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Great story, iconic score, and plenty of childhood nostalgia.

What is your favorite band?

Joe: Currently Tedeschi Trucks, although that could change by next week.

What do you look forward to as a new Director of Business Solutions of Blue Stingray?

Joe: Bringing more structure and efficiency to the workflow and helping identify new opportunities for growth. I’m also looking forward to the end of the pandemic so that I can finally meet the rest of my colleagues.

What motivates you the most?

Joe: I’m an extrovert, so developing relationships with colleagues and clients is the most rewarding part of the job.

What would be your best advice for aspiring graduates?

Joe: Don’t expect things to be handed to you, or for anyone to walk you through challenges in life. You have to learn to see opportunity in adversity and have a sense of perseverance and resilience.

“Blue Stingray isn’t just our development engineers, they are part of our company. They’re committed to the goals and objectives that we need to achieve, and they go 100 percent to make sure that we can be as successful as possible.”

— Angela Sandler, CEO, xplor
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